Phase-I Activities.
SL# Activities Date Line
1 Availability of online Common Application Form (CAF) in the website https://dtetodisha.gov.in or https://samsodisha.gov.in 01-Apr-2024
2 Last date for applying online CAF through https://dtetodisha.gov.in or https://samsodisha.gov.in 20-Jun-2024
3 Last date for Mark Updation of Previously Applied Appeared Candidates through https://dtetodisha.gov.in or https://samsodisha.gov.in 20-Jun-2024
4 Publication of 1st Selection List 28-Jun-2024 (2:00 PM)
5 Downloading of Intimation Letter in applicant’s login 28-Jun-2024 (2:00 PM)
6 Reporting of the selected applicants for admission and admission data updation and Error Correction at ITIs 28-Jun-2024 to 03-Jul-2024 (Excluding Govt. Holidays)
7 Auto slide up (If a candidate is not interested in the auto slide up, he or she may click the “Annexure-7” option in their login to freeze after completion of their admission) 28-Jun-2024 to 03-Jul-2024
8 Publication of 2nd Selection List 10-Jul-2024 (2:00 PM)
9 Downloading of Intimation Letter 10-Jul-2024 (2:00 PM)
10 Reporting of the selected applicants for admission and admission data updation at selected ITIs 10-Jul-2024 to 15-Jul-2024
11 Publication of ITI wise vacancy list at SAMS Website 16-Jul-2024
Phase-II Activities.
SL# Activities Date Line
1 Availability of online Common Application Form (CAF) for Registration except choice filling in the website https://dtetodisha.gov.in or https://samsodisha.gov.in 24-Jun-2024
2 Last date for applying online CAF through https://dtetodisha.gov.in or https://samsodisha.gov.in 23-Jul-2024
3 Choice filling for Applied Candidates 18-Jul-2024 to 23-Jul-2024
4 Publication of selection 30-Jul-2024 (2:00 PM)
5 Downloading Intimation Letter 30-Jul-2024 (2:00 PM)
6 Reporting of the selected applicants for admission and admission data up-dation at selected ITIs 30-Jul-2024 to 01-Aug-2024
7 Publication of ITI wise vacancy list at SAMS website 02-Aug-2024
8 Change of trade with in the institute of admission as per SOP issued by directorate 05-Aug-2024
Spot Admission
SL# Activities Date Line
1 Spot Admission 17-Oct-2024 to 30-Oct-2024

Eligibility of candidates to be considered for Phase II

  1. Candidates, who are having the following criteria will be considered for Phase II Selection.
    1. All candidates got selected but not reported and exercised their choices (No choice modification no consideration for selection)
    2. All candidates who didn’t get a seat in the Phase-I.
    3. Fresh Applicants of Phase-II
    4. Error correction applicant of Round 2.
  2. Candidates, who will not be considered for Phase-II Selection.
    1. All admitted candidates in the Phase-I
    2. Admission Cancel/TC Taken Applicants in Phase-I both selection
  3. Candidates, who come under Point No. 1 will get the additional 02 more chances to edit their CAF including the remaining edit options of Phase-I.